Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Celebration of Hawk & Jesus

This blog has only been up for a little more than 2 months. But in that time, I have given you updates on the journey of our precious little guy @ Faith who has been battling Leukemia. Sunday morning God finally gave him rest and brought 3 year old Thomas "Hawk" Maier home.

Tomorrow I will have the honor and tremendous responsibility of leading the service for his farewell. We're preparing for a packed house at Faith, and I am praying for wisdom in providing comfort and hope from the truth of God's Word.

Tomorrow I hope that we will accomplish 2 purposes:

1) to share our sorrow (yes)…but ALSO
2) to share hope (to share encouragement)

It’s true, we’re going to cry together. But we’re also going to laugh together. We’re also going to find hope and reasons to rejoice.

You see, for the Maier family, they believe in a loving God. They believe in a higher purpose.

And let me tell you…tomorrow, we ARE going to wrestle with the questions of "WHY?" I mean, you can’t avoid those questions. There are things about the death of a child that we can’t explain or fully understand.

But I pray more than anything that we will help people move BEYOND that. As we push through those questions...some are discouraged to the point of turning away from God. But others choose to run into the arms of God.

How we choose to respond to this type of pain makes all the difference. Within the love of God, there is a sense of peace that can be found that this world simply cannot expain.

A 3 year old can be the one to show the way.